09. November 2021: Kostenloses Webinar – Advanced analysis in SCIA Engineer (English)
- Di. 09.11.2021
- 16:00 bis 16:45
Model and analyse cable structures, connections and other elements effectively with version 21.1
More and more often, structural engineers are facing challenges resulting from futuristic architectural designs. Simple calculation methods are no longer sufficient in handling all the issues. SCIA Engineer offers a wide range of advanced analysis types for various situations. Attend our webinar to learn about new and extended capabilities presented in version 21.1:
- When defining cables in your model, its initial deformation is now calculated automatically, displayed immediately and available in further modelling phases.
- Internal forces determined in a selected joint help with a preliminary evaluation of the connection.
- and much more.

Vladimír Příbramský
Vladimir Pribramsky has been with SCIA for 6 years. In his current position of a Product Manager he is responsible for the graphical user interface, finite-element analyses, presentation of results and Engineering Report. Vladimir worked as a structural engineer for a few years after his master’s studies and he is currently co-lecturing at the Czech Technical University. He has also an extensive knowledge of automated software testing and quality assurance.

Ondřej Kika
Ondřej Kika is an experienced member of SCIA development Team. He works as a Product Development Engineer and focuses primarily on the implementation of advanced calculation methods in SCIA Engineer. He received the PhD in civil engineering for his thesis: “Vibration of slender bridge structures.”
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